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Post-traumatic stress disorder PTSD

Posttraumatic stress disorder, which is commonly referred to as PTSD, is a mental health condition that occurs after a person has experienced one or more traumatic events

When a person experiences, witnesses, or learns about the types of trauma described in the previous paragraph, it is common to react with shock, fear, sadness, and similar feelings. Temporary responses such as these are normal, valid, and even healthy responses to trauma. If these types of reactions persist and become severe enough to impact your ability to function, you may be dealing with PTSD.

If you think that you or someone you care about is struggling with PTSD, please know that this condition responds to treatment. When you receive the right type and level of care, you can overcome the effects of posttraumatic stress disorder and regain control of your life. Dove International Mental Health Center, an inpatient PTSD treatment center in Karen, can provide you with the care you need to live the healthier life you deserve.

Understanding Anxiety Disorders
Examples of traumatic events that can precede the onset of PTSD include:

Physical abuse

Acts of terrorism or combat

Sexual assault

Automobile accidents and natural disasters
People can develop PTSD after being directly involved in a traumatic experience or after witnessing such an occurrence. PTSD can also develop after a person learns the details of a loved one’s traumatic experience.

Signs and Symptoms Anxiety

The signs and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder can vary from person to person. A broad range of factors can influence the nature and severity of a person’s PTSD signs and symptoms. In general, though, the following are among the more common signs and symptoms of PTSD:
  • Fighting, destroying property, and other violent actions

  • Ending your participation in activities that were once important to you

  • Diminished energy levels

  • Persistent fatigue

  • Exaggerated startle response

  • Intrusive memories of the traumatic event

  • Persistent sense of danger or dread

  • Changing how you act to avoid people or things that remind you of the trauma

Causes and Risk Factors
The one common element among all cases of posttraumatic stress disorder is the presence of a traumatic event. But the cause of PTSD is much more complex than this. Some people develop PTSD after one traumatic experience, while others endure multiple exposures to trauma prior to developing signs of PTSD. Most people who experience trauma will never develop PTSD. Experts have not identified one single cause for PTSD. As is the case with most mental health challenges, a person’s risk for PTSD can be influenced by a variety of factors, such as the following
  • Family history of mental illness

  • Previous struggles with other mental health disorders

  • Enduring ongoing trauma or multiple forms of trauma

  • Living in extreme poverty as a child

  • Lacking effective coping skills

  • Being a police officer, firefighter, emergency medical technician, military member, or member of another profession that is associated with increased exposure to trauma

Treatment Options
Fear of the unknown can cause people to delay getting treatment for posttraumatic stress disorder. The best way to overcome this obstacle is to learn what you can expect during your time in treatment for PTSD. At Chiromo Hospital Group, individuals who participate in PTSD treatment receive personalized care. This means that each person has a customized experience in our behavioral health hospital. However, certain elements and features are common among all who heal with us:
  • Admissions

    Once you’ve decided to get treatment for PTSD, the last thing you want to do is become bogged down with paperwork. At Mount Carmel Behavioral Health, that won’t happen. Our admissions process is a streamlined experience that’s designed to get you into treatment as efficiently as possible. You can start the admissions process with a phone call.

  • Comprehensive Assessment

    In order to provide you with the most effective treatment for PTSD, it’s vital that your treatment team understands the full scope of your needs. Prior to receiving care, you’ll complete a thorough assessment. Information collected during this assessment will include the nature and severity of your PTSD signs and symptoms, the presence of any co-occurring disorders, your treatment history, and related matters that are important to your care.

  • Inpatient Treatment

    Our commitment to personalized care means that your time in our inpatient PTSD treatment center will be unique to you. In general, though, you can expect to participate in a variety of therapeutic approaches, heal within a safe and supportive treatment environment, work in close collaboration with compassionate professionals, and benefit from our unwavering commitment to dignity and respect.

  • Discharge planning

    As you prepare to leave Dove International Mental Health Center, you’ll receive a detailed discharge plan that will guide your continued healing from PTSD. Your discharge plan will document the progress you made at our behavioral health hospital, note areas that may need continued focus, and identify the services and resources that can support you in the weeks and months ahead

Self-care is an important part of maintaining your mental health after you’ve completed treatment for PTSD. During your time in treatment, you’ll learn about the value and necessity of self-care, and will develop habits to support your continued recovery.